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Select Scotland Tours get Gold for Green Tourism!
By Select Scotland Tours

We joined Green Tourism in 2017 and over the last three years have progressed steadily from Bronze to Silver and now to the highest-level Gold Award.

The Green Tourism assessors highlighted the excellent work that has been carried out by the SST team in the area of sustainable tourism, including planting native trees in our own grove as part of the Trees For Life carbon offset scheme – 218 trees so far! The assessors also emphasised our commitment to recycling all waste generated whilst on tour, using green energy suppliers for domestic energy, and participating in numerous community programmes including beach cleaning, litter picking and other environmental schemes. We remain dedicated to partnering with like-minded attractions, cafes and restaurants which use local and ethically sourced produce.

And we cannot wait for the time when we can get back out with guests, hopefully sooner rather than later!

Select Scotland Tours News,
Sustainable Tourism

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